Purpleprint 2 - Kit

Is a package of resources and tools for game developers with models, textures, materials, shapes and example content like levels to test and check game or engine features and components, design levels, learn how to use the engines and more.
Purpleprint 2 - Kit is using as main platform Unreal Engine 4, but be free to use the content or the projects with other game engines, as long you read the Licenses and the Terms & Conditions and include the originals giving the credit to the original author Hevedy.

*The Terms & Conditions and the Licenses are included with the package and are in the Github repository, website and in the itch.io website too along with the FAQ.
*If do you like make a donation to me is appreciated thanks, you can donate me through the Paypal button below in the Status section. (Please donate always from the Official Purpleprint 2 - Kit sites created by Hevedy).
*Purpleprint 2 - Kit It's a free package of assets, resources and tools if you have paid for Purpleprint 2 - Kit then please contact with your provider.


Status: Beta (Development Canceled)

Current Version: (2016/01/06)

Unreal Engine 4 Version: 4.10.1

Donations are appreciated on itch thanks


...and many more.

Official Sites

Website: http://hevedy.github.io/PurpleprintKit/
Purpleprint 2 - Kit (Complete): http://hevedy.itch.io/purpleprintkit
Purpleprint 1 - Kit Legacy (Complete): http://hevedy.itch.io/purpleprintkit
itch.io: http://hevedy.itch.io/purpleprintkit
Github: https://github.com/Hevedy/PurpleprintKit
Hevedy Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hevedy
Hevedy Github: https://github.com/Hevedy
Hevedy Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/hevedy
Hevedy Trello: https://trello.com/b/vx7Ydo7I/public-projects
Unreal Engine 4 Forums Thread: Purpleprint 2 - Kit
Unreal Engine 4 Forums Thread: Purpleprint 1 - Kit Legacy

* This list of websites are the only official ones supported by Hevedy.
* If you donate to Hevedy do that always through the official sites and no from the included project files or others sites.


Legal FAQ